Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Great Human Debate

I'm a member of C.A.S.T.L.E's facebook group (the newest Larp in Cinci, OH) and there is a bit of discussion going about the Human race/culture group.  It got me to thinking about the advantages/disadvantages of playing a human and thought I would bring it up here.

There are some distinct benefits to playing a human -
1. There aren't any make-up or prosthetic requirements.
2. It's easier to "put it together" I think costuming wise.  You can wear any period-style clothing and still fit in, which is super nice.
3. It's great for newer players coming to check out the game.
4. No (typically) culture/race disadvantage (double for x skill, for example). 

Disadvantages -
1. Many games don't include a racial/culture benefit for playing a human.
2. While we play in Human lands (typically), a lot of times plot teams revolve certain plot around racial packages and such, and it can leave the Human culture players feeling a bit left out.
3. There's definitely a stigma surrounding playing a Human in many Larps.
I don't entirely understand why there is a stigma associated with playing a Human.  I think a lot of times people believe it takes less effort to play a Human than one of the other races.  My personal opinion is that any race/culture takes as much effort (or non-effort) as the person is willing to put in to it.  I can't tell you how many times I've been to chapters/played a Larp where the Elf has a bandana on to cover the fact they don't have ears or you can't tell that person is a Barbarian at ALL - no furs, no broken English, literally nothing distinct about them.

The costuming and roleplay/creativity put in to building a character can be as vibrant and worthwhile for the Human Culture as it is for any other culture/race.  I know some people that have spent a lot of money, time, and effort to have awesome costuming for their Human characters.  They roleplay very well, as their characters are focused on trade and politics.  Others are in to scrying and dark magics.

Again, I think a number of people associate those that play Humans as being lazy and unwilling to put in the time and effort.  Which is typically reflected by the fact they don't have a culture advantage in many games, nor do they have a culture package from which to help them grow and shape their roleplay.

Both CASTLE and WAR ACC have benefits for playing a Human.  In WAR, we have the Dabbler skill that allows you to purchase a skill from any Header that does not have a prerequisite, for free.  Because Humans do have less make-up/costuming requirements, they do have one racial ability but we tried to make it a super cool one.  None of the races/cultures have disadvantages.  We also have a small culture package for Humans, which covers the different towns and some rp'ing quirks you might have if you were from there.

I've never played a Human, because I found so many interesting things in other culture packages that I wanted to be.  But I've also never played an Amironian.  That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them, just I was interested in something else.  Humans can be people's Unicorn Dreams.

Please don't ruin other people's Unicorn Dreams because you feel like your roleplay or character is better :-)

What do you think? Should Humans have a culture/racial advantage/disadvantage? If so, what?  Do you think there is a stigma about playing a Human? If so, why?


  1. Playing as a Human myself, we are the minority when it comes to LARPs. Humans are always diverse and overcome obstacles, so they will always seem like an underdog that shouldn't be underestimated. If there should be a skill for them, it should be something on their survival skills.

  2. To clarify, the Dabbler skill doesn't make the skill free. It just allows a person to purchase one skill without the Header prerequisite.

    Also, whether or not Humans are underrepresented depends on the region. I know in Ohio, there's a lot of emphasis for non-human cultures, but in other regions, humans are pretty dominant. It just depends on the kind of game that people like to play.

  3. I meant the prerequisite, not the skill, was free - as in you don't have to pay for it to get the skill. Sorry if there was confusion :)

  4. I really like the human racial (if they didn't have one, I wouldn't play one). I think that when forming a character idea in my head, I tend to stray away from human, because they seem normal and kind of a blank slate, where other races don't (this goes for any game). Once I've started thinking of backstories though, I have no qualms with being a human as I know that the character isn't this cardboard cutout. Overall, I have fun playing humans (or any race) in any kind of roleplaying games. That all being said, I'm used to choosing a race based on how good the racial benefits are for the role I want (I think I'm going to have a hard time playing a non-human in accelerant)

  5. When Griff and I were creating the game world for FATE, we did spend several nights discussing humans. We didn't want them to be some catch all race at the bottom of the pile for those who couldn't be bothered to read a race package, or put on makeup. We actually drew up four distinct(hopefully) but unique cultures of humans. Each has a different theme, different game mechanic racials, and a degree of costuming suggestion.

    I've personally been witness to the 'human shaming' that goes on at some LARPs, it always strikes me as silly as most fantasy game worlds are human dominated.
