Thursday, April 11, 2013

First Accelerant Event...

You could say that we are a bundle of nerves as our first event transitioned in to Accelerant is upon us.  That would be an understatement.  Everyone has worked very, very hard to make this a reality.  Tens of dozens of hours have been poured in to this since we released our rulebook - putting together Allegiances, answering questions, printing and organizing documents, printing and organizing production, dozens and dozens of emails from players, and, of course, the Accelerant Readiness Weekend. 

That's not to mention all the work and effort put forth by a slightly frazzled and nervous plot/staff team.  I have to give mad props to the Rage Hollow plot team.  They fully embraced a brand new system and went forth in to the unknown, ready to reorganize how they have run to continue to bring fun and entertainment to their friends, as well as complete strangers.  New monster cards, props, plotlines, and reworked mods/plotlines...they have worked tirelessly.

Not only is it our first event under the Accelerant system, it is the Rage Hollow opener.  No pressure.  And the event looks to be extremely large.  I think right now we are looking at 100 people or so.

I am hoping for happy chaos.  I recognize that everyone will be making lots of mistakes.  Mods probably won't go the way we planned, NPC's/PC's will forget stat's/over/under-play, and getting used to the system will take a little while.  And that's okay.  It's going to be like a bunch of newbies running around with mid-high level characters. 

So as you prepare for the weekend - and I hope you are coming - remember, as long as you have fun, it doesn't really matter.  Whether you remember that daily or that attribute, or totally forget what something does, it's all about the friends and stories you take home for you.

And so in closing - because I still have a gadzillion things to finish for the weekend - I would just like to say thank you to the Rage Hollow plot and staff team for taking this on and planning an awesome weekend.  I would like to say thank you to the NPC's willing to chime in for this very large event and help make it a success.  To the rest of the owners for all your hard work.  And to the players for being willing to try change and not hating it just because it's change.

Let the games begin! 

Makes me all warm and fuzzy.

Any advice Larp community?


  1. If for some reason you find you aren't having fun, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come talk to one of the plot or staff guys. I have all the faith in the world with the NPC crew we have, we can make you happy.
