Friday, April 12, 2013

YouTube Friday - WOW Funeral and Griefers

So, this video circulated a while back.  After talking with a few friends, I realized that some of them hadn't seen this video before.  We watched it, of course, and had a moment of laughing - cause we're terrible people.  Couldn't help it.  It was so bizarre and odd it was funny.

The music is perfect, the beginning is a tad long....basically, a girl that played WOW (World of Warcraft) died in real life.  Rumor has it (completely unconfirmed) that she played too much WOW and had a stroke.  Urban myth? Who knows.  It's terrible that she passed away.  As tribute, a bunch of people ingame got together and WOW put an Avatar of her character in to game for them to pay their "respects." In an act of ultimate trolling, several guilds joined forces and, well, completely wrecked it.

However, it got me to thinking about Larp (imagine that) and griefing of players.  This guild, for all intents and purposes, got together and purposefully &*#$ up people's day - in a moment of solemnity - for the hell of it.  Super douche move.  I mean, really.  And it made me think of how people tend to do this in Larp, too.  They do something specifically to mess someone's day up - not because it follows what their characters would do, but because they think it is funny.  Why mess up someone else's moment for the heck of it? What do you get out of it? Just because they don't play the game the same way you do doesn't meant that it isn't without validity.  And you are basically getting a kick out of making someone else feel bad.

So, I pose the question to you - have you griefed other players for funsies? Is it a problem at Larp? And how should plot/owners/players handle the situation?

Also, see you tonight at Accelerant!

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