Monday, April 1, 2013

Header Spotlight: Duelist

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Duelist. 

In an attempt to create incentives for different fighting styles, we designed the paper-rock-scissors of the Shield Bearer-Blade Dancer-Brute.  But we also wanted to encourage people who prefer to fight with less optimal fighting styles, such as one sword, sword/dagger, or sword buckler.  And that's what the Duelist is.

The Duelist is a capable fighter who focuses most of his power into a single one handed weapon.  They have some of the best attacks and defenses, but burn through Attributes extremely fast.

For attacks, the Duelist has Precise Strikes for damage, Winded for Silence, and Death Strike for a Double Death!  That's really hard to beat.

For Defenses, they have the Agile skill for Armor, Vigor for Vitality, Optimism to resist Stricken, Reflexes to Avoid missile and packet attacks, and Riposte, which can be used to turn a melee attack on itself.  Finally, if you are a skilled Fencer, you become immune to Disarm (as long as you're wielding Duelist weapons).

The Stance for the Duelist is unusually, as most stances require a player to plant their feet.  Instead, you can grant yourself 1 protection after each flurry, which is pretty handy.

All and all, if you like using an underrated fighting style and have a few attributes to toss around, the Duelist is a pretty decent header.

Good Header Combinations: Shield Bearer (If you use a buckler), Blade Dancer (If you use a dagger).

Pro: The Duelist has a great selection of defensive and offensive skills.  Probably better than any one header.  

Con: You cannot fight with an "optimal" fighting style, with the best possible situations being sword/buckler or sword/dagger.

Would you play a Duelist? Would you use a Buckler, Dagger, or nothing?  Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I'm using an even less optimized combo of Duelist/Guardian. While I am primarily using a sword/buckler combination, the Shield Bearer's capstone ability forces the player to plant their feet. With such a small shield, this Daily won't likely last very long. The Guardian capstone not only encourages mobility, but requires it. Not only does this fit my (self diagnosed) combat strengths, but the spirit of the header meshes perfectly with my character from a roleplayer's perspective. If I could give new players one piece of advice when making/planning their characters, it would be not to worry about what would make them the most efficient fighter on the field. Sure, it's awesome to be that guy whose skills match up perfectly, but at it's heart, this is a role playing game. If it means staying true to character, don't be afraid to take a hit in combat effectiveness. While our characters' strengths are what make them stand out from the rabble, it is their flaws, weaknesses, and ability to compensate for or otherwise work with them is what makes us love them.
