Monday, April 15, 2013

Our First Accelerant Event....The Shattered Realms

This past weekend we ran our first WAR Accelerant event ever - The Shattered Realms, Rage Hollow.

And wow, what a good time. 

Bill will do his after event wrap up tomorrow, but today I just wanted to thank everyone and give a general overview of the event. 

All the stress of the last several months, all the work everyone put in to it, seemed to come together almost seamlessly.  Were there misplays and mistakes? Heck ya, but the Clarification skill worked great.  No holds, no utter complete confusion due to the new rules that stopped gameplay.  We even got through check-in and in to game at a normal time (10:45).

Plot, staff, and NPC's did a GREAT job adapting to the new system and working within it.  I know they were nervous, but they really did do a wonderful job of adapting.  The NPC's roleplayed their parts and people knew what they were - the leather masks made by Beth Jurns helped a lot with this and saved our faces from constant and continual make-up.  I was really impressed by their non-typical treasure - from favors and letters, to the market-day spring celebration complete with an improvisational performance of the rescue of King Balladan from the Fortress of Kaas.  People saw the storylines and they put them out in a variety of ways.  They tried to do a little something for everyone - a little rp, a fight...something...

The PC's had tons of new and awesome phys. reps. Megan, who plays a Khala, had a wonderful Alchemist Lab set up.  Brandon had a badass Weave Tap.  So many people had new costumes!! And so many other reps and wands and knickknacks.  And the PC's brought their A-Game with the roleplay.  It was intense seeing them ingame the whole time and a lot of fun.

In the end, it's about the community.  My friend Brad, who I haven't seen for years game out (and hopefully enjoyed himself).  We were chatting at one point and he said while he was so happy and surprised by the atmosphere.  It reminded him of 1996, back when we first started.  Everyone was jovial and happy, willing to help, and it was just a good feeling.

And that's what it's all about.

What did you enjoy about your first Shattered Realms game? Ready for Lumberton? 

1 comment:

  1. From plot/NPC perspective:

    Everyone was able to participate in battles. Even someone swinging uncalled damage was useful.

    The amount of C.O. questions went from like 100 down to maybe 3.

    No longer had to worry about transforms breaking a mod.
