Thursday, April 25, 2013

Organization in an NPC Shack

Most of the people involved in a Larp are creative in one way or another.  We put a lot of attention in to our props, plots, rp, and costuming whenever possible.  One of the things that can....well....slide by is organization within the NPC shack.

It's boring.  It's a bit of work.  And there is always something better (and more fun) to do.

However, prepping before your Larp season begins and brainstorming some ways to keep your shack organized can make the event go WAY smoother and lessen a heck of a lot of stress.  Here are some tips for getting the shack organized - and keeping it organized.

1. Have a logistics table - Have a table dedicated just to logistics.  This is where your computers, printers, cutting board, scissors, pens, pencils, and production hangs out.  Any necessary forms for check-in should be organized in a binder on this table, too (legal release, production forms, High Magic records, cheat sheets, etc.).  Binders are essential for organizing all your forms and sheets, otherwise they will end up scattered all over the table and you'll have to reprint them.  A good production box, with pre-printed tags, can be really, really helpful, too.  It makes check-in go smoother, especially for late arrivals.  Keeping this table clean is a must.  You won't be able to find what you need and it will just make more work for you after the event.

2. Have a plot table - I have a ton of personal stuff that I have purchased that I bring to events.  Heck, this year I have a bin AND an organized drawer pull-out thing full of stuff.  The plot table is really, really a must.  NO ONE should be at the plot table except for the plot people and staff people.  Here, you'll find on one table (we have two :-) the following: monster cards (with a bin for people to drop their used cards in to, so they can be refiled in the monster card box); personal computers/electronics, and event treasure.  On the other are all the personal reps brought by plot/staff - masks, unique items and treasure, plot sheets, mod sheets, the timetable for the event, etc.  This keeps stuff from getting all mixed in with the regular NPC wreckage and it's important to remind people to return stuff from where they got it.  It's why we can have nice things. 

3. Monster Card Box: with a box to put used monster cards.  Let's you find cards easier and it keeps stuff from getting randomly shoved all over the shack.  It helps get monsters out way faster, too.

4. The Even Timetable: We instituted this at Lumberton last year, and wow, did it make a difference.  For three plot meetings leading up to an event we divide the event in to chunks and figure out what goes where when.  It lets us all see what the other is doing, tweak one another's ideas/add stuff, and see if we have a "hole" during the event that needs to be filled.  It also lets us see how much rp vs. combat we have when and lets us adjust as necessary.  It also helps keep us on track at the event, especially when we are tired and a bit brain dead.  Just look at the sheet!  And finally, it lets us clearly see who is getting plot/spread it around, to make sure everyone gets involved in some way.

5. Costuming Table/Make-Up Table/Prop Table: It's important, too, to have the NPC costuming and props have a specific area.  NPC's can return what they use to the general area.  Helps keep the shack from spiraling in to "where did that one thing go?" and tearing through 20 boxes looking for it.

6. NPC Speech: I highly recommend an NPC speech at the beginning of the event.  Just a little 15 minute speech.  Remind NPC's they aren't there to kill PC's, but to have a good time and give others a good time.  Remind them about the importance of staying ingame, roleplaying their parts, having a goal whenever they leave the shack, make-up/costuming, etc.  And to have a good time themselves!  It's also a great time to remind them of any issues (like effects that were misplayed the season before).  A lot of times it is easy to forget that NPC's are there, busting their ass, for you and the players.  A lot of the focus is on the PC's for the event.  As a plot person it is your job to remember that they are there to have fun, too.  Having an NPC speech lets you take a minute and see who is actually there NPC'ing for you, to thank them and show you appreciate them.  It lets you communicate they are important.  Why have a PC speech to remind everyone playing and then not do the same for NPC's and expect them to just know it?

7.  Keep It Clean:  NPC's will need a break from constantly going out.  They tirelessly role out of the shack and sometimes really need just a minute.  No problem!  Let them grab a drink, sit down, and relax.  Once they chill for a second, ask (nicely) if they wouldn't mind putting monster cards back in to the box, picking up the production table, etc.  Something they can do while sitting, relaxing, and chatting.  Helps keep things clean and organized for Sunday morning and the final Saturday night push.

8. Placement: One of the most important things is to get stuff where it goes.  There's nothing more frustrating then when my stuff ends up all over the shack.  I can't find anything and it creates unnecessary lags.  I know other plot/staff/npc's have mentioned this time and time again.

9. Monster Card Creation: Have your monsters printed/drawn up ahead of time.  It will save a huge amount of time during the event if you don't have to mess with it.  Taking 30 minutes to get your cards printed or drawn up is a massive waste of time.  Everyone is guilty of it, but if you can do it beforehand, do it.  You'll be amazed at how much faster stuff gets out when you do!

What do you do to help keep your shack organized? Do you find it helps the events run a bit smoother?


  1. I like to have an "On Deck" area. In order to stay on top of things, you may want to pull cards and reps for the next two or three mods, rather than just what needs to go out. Problem is, without a set place to put that stuff, it often disappears and takes just as long to locate as it did to pull all the stuff together!

    This can be it's own separate area, or part of the plot table.

  2. I don't have time to do it for this event with all the crazy-ness of prepping the new campaign, plot, and Accelerant stuff (maybe I do? Dunno yet), but I usually have manila envelopes for my mods done ahead of time. In it, I have the monster cards, any puzzles etc. for it, and the paragraph or so write up. On the front, I list what treasure to include. Pre-packaged mod, voila! If I don't have time for that, I usually type out a list of exactly what to grab and go for it...

  3. Great ideas!

    I think having a neat and organized monster shack (or camp, or HQ, or whatever) is absolutely necessary to run a good event, and will help a lot with getting things running smoothly and hopefully on-time.

    At 7 Virtues, I noticed that they had a photo album of player characters in their costumes. They used it to show NPCs any character they had to target. I don't know if other larps have done this, but I thought it was brilliant.
