Thursday, March 21, 2013

10,000 Hits?

Hi everyone!

So the blog seems to be doing pretty okay.  We're over 2, 000 hits at the moment.  I thought it might be fun to offer a small prop for some lucky person at 10, 000 hits.  When we reach 10, 000 I'll announce a lucky winner.  It'll be completely random.  I'm sure my genius engineer of a husband can figure out a way to make that happen.  If you live overseas, you'll have to pay shipping, otherwise, I'll suck it up and pay for it, or if you play a our game/close game we'll figure out a way to get it to you.  All you have to do is enter by sending an email here.  If you don't play our game or I won't know who you are, include something about a character or character concept so I can try to actually make something you'll like.

So what kind of prop prize am I talking about?

Nothing gigantic.  It will be usable across genre most likely.  Something made out of Fema Clay perhaps? A leather mask? Maybe a cool poem with filigree? A neat Wand rep?

Just a small thank you to our loyal readers for popping over every day! :-)

Not sure yet - what would YOU like to see as the giveaway prize? 


  1. Great idea, btw! Maybe a cool looking chest or bag, a light stick that the player can turn on and off at will, a totem that reveals something about the pc's past or makes all X (eg., farmers) think that pc is the greatest thing since sliced bread, a sock puppet that (when worn) replaces the pc's personality with that of a young child!

  2. Hey thanks for the ideas! I've also gotten in to leather mask making over the last couple of weeks, along with Beth, so we'll see where that takes us, too!
