Friday, March 22, 2013

Header Spotlight: Scalawag

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Scalawag. 

Let's be honest.  You're probably going to pick this up because it sounds awesome.  Don't worry, it is.

The Scalawag is a Support Header that is focused on survival.  The Survivor skill allows you heal yourself easily (although you still can't do it while unconscious) and the Experienced Drinker skill keeps you up, as long as you can take the damage.  Unassuming and Keys to the Kingdom give you some tools to get out of tight situations.

But let's be honest, the real gem of this class is the Cheat Death skill.  This skill effectively gives you another 6 minutes before you die.  At least, that's normally how it works.  Turns out, there's a lot of ways to prevent you from bleeding out by stabilizing yourself (Warden and Rogue skills).  There are also a few production items that can save you as well!

Good Header Combinations: Rogue (Cheat Death / Hard to Kill), Brute (Good fixes for a high damage Header)

Pro: If you're looking after number 1, there are only a few Headers that provide as much safety and security of the Scalawag Header.

Con: If you're part of a team, this Header does the rest of your team no good.  You might be better off taking something that meshes well with the team. 

Are you going to take Scalawag? How do you plan on dealing with Cheat Death?  Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. If I were to go for a 3rd header this would be it.

    This allows the small groups to do more without a healer.
