Monday, March 11, 2013

The Descended - To Be Or Not To Be....

One of the new races/cultures within WAR Accelerant - The Shattered Realm are The Descended.  People seem to be fairly excited about it, which we expected and hoped for, so this post will explore the benefits and negatives of playing one of The Descended.

This post is a pretty straightforward, but includes some key tips to keep in mind if you are thinking about playing one of The Descended

From the WAR Accelerant Rulebook:
The Descended, a rare people, are born from mortals and magical creatures with human intelligence, such as Vampires, Faeries, Elementals, and Undead. Like other half-blood races, they tend to be unique in appearance and attributes, and may prefer to live in small enclaves of their own kind than to venture into a world that does not always accept them with open arms. As their name suggests, they are often proud of their lineage, and typically name themselves in honor of their magical parent (i.e. “Half-Faerie,” “Half-Undead <Type>,” “Drake (Draconic),” and “Half-Elemental <Type>”).  The Descended do not consider themselves to be a single race. Some want only to be included in mortal society, while others are fiercely proud of their magical ancestors. Typically, a member of the Descended will appear and behave in a manner that reflects a mingling of both their mortal and their magical parent’s native culture and character.  There is a second group of The Descended that have come in to being since The Shattering.  This group represents the effect of Wild Magic upon some individuals.  For example, while fighting Fire Elementals the Wild Magic ripped through the adventurer, forcing some trace of the Fire Elemental upon their spirit.  Perhaps they were fighting Undead or simply conversing with them.  Some of these individuals have embraced their new-found transformation, others seek to cleanse their spirit of it.  Like Monstrous Humanoids, the Descended have many different appearances.

There are a couple of reasons we stated "from mortals and magical creatures with human intelligence."  Mainly, to avoid people running around as Descended Basilisks.  Let's not talk about the logistics of how that happened.  Moving on.
Why The Descended? We wanted to provided people with a means to fully explore their character concepts.  Those that want to super rp the elemental connection or undead connection, go for it.  But we wanted to keep people within reasonable boundaries.  

Some general concept ideas a Descended background
  • The magic of The Shattering changed your current character - you were fighting X and the Wild Magic shot through you
  • The magic of The Shattering awoke something in your lineage, for good or bad, and you want to rp being mad/sad or happy/surprised
  • New Characters: you are a direct Descendant - some kind of forbidden love that transcended whatever (insert violin strings)
  • New Characters: your parents served (or someone in your history) a powerful, magical being that granted them powers.  Like being a Handmaiden to a Dragon.  They become imbued with magic of X creature, which passed on down the line.        
Costume requirements are stringent and loose at the same time.  Whatever you do, you are going to be recognized as one of The Descended.  You can't hide it.  You need to be clearly costumed and/or have appropriate makeup.  However, unlike most of the other races/cultures there is no clearly defined costume requirement.  We wanted to let people loose with their imaginations and creativity.  

This is not an excuse to do as little costuming as possible for maximum benefit.  If that situation occurs,  guidelines will be put in place and you will be the reason we can't have nice things :-)

I like nice things, you like nice things.  Let's have nice things together.     
In all seriousness, we didn't want to say if you play a Faerie you HAVE to have wings and glitter.  Maybe you want to have big fancy eyeshadow makeup like this - 
Or maybe if you are an Descended Vampire you want to wear fangs.  Whatever floats your boat.  But just like all the other races/cultures you CAN NOT hide your race. 

Which brings up one the major benefit and negative of playing one of The Descended - one of their racial abilities, Bloodline.

It costs 0 CP and reads as the following: 

This skill allows you to gain a Trait associated with your origin.  For example, if you are a Descended Half-Undead <Death Knight> you could gain the Undead Trait.  All effects, beneficial or harmful, that would affect someone with the Undead Trait will affect you.  Note: For all intents and purposes, you would BE an Undead. Or Faerie. Whatever.  

The Traits are as follows: Half-Elemental (Outsider Trait); Half-Faeries (Faerie Trait), Half-Undead (Undead Trait), Half-Dragons get the (Draconic Trait).

Why is this good and bad? Well, you gain a Trait.  It is just a Trait.  You gain no immediate benefits or negatives for taking a Trait.  No, it isn't going to grant you immunities or defenses.  

You will simply go along and play that character as normal.  The only time it is going to matter is if something has a Bane ability towards your Trait.  This will normally go like this, "<Effect> to <Trait>," so "Heal 2 to Undead." If you have the Undead Trait, you'll be able to be healed by that.  If someone working for the Red Dragon Fury comes down and says, "By My Voice, Expose Draconic," that will be unfortunate if you are playing a Descended Half-Dragon and you chose a Blue Dragon as your ancestor/benefactor. 

It could also lead to some interesting ingame interactions.  Most likely, in some towns it will be illegal to be Descended X.  Most typically I see the issue arising with Bloodline when you choose to take the Undead Trait. Maybe it will be an issue in a town ravaged by Faeries if you have the Faerie Trait.  Who knows.  NOTE: If you do not take the Bloodline Trait, while you are a Descended creature, you do NOT identify as that creature.  Ingame, think of it this way - you are a Descended Death Knight, but it was way back in the past.  Not a lot of it survived.  You play the race for the RP and the fun costuming.  But you are NOT an Undead, because you did not take the Bloodline ability that granted you the Undead Trait.  Yay!   You'll probably still have some dramatic RP and some people will stay away from you.  But they (most likely) won't kill you outright.  

However, if you choose to play a Descended Death Knight or Vampire and take the Bloodline Trait Undead, it will probably be illegal and people will try to kill you.  Ingame it means that you ARE actually an Undead. Just be prepared for this.  There are Undead Hunters, Vampire Hunters, nobles, etc. that will be after you.  It is awesome if you decide to take the Trait for the rp, but be prepared for there to be pc's that will in no way overlook the fact that you are a pc and just leave you alone.  

Same goes for Faeries and anyone, really, considering taking Bloodline.  There are some new Hunters in town, the Ironhearts, that will all warm and fuzzy about knocking on your door.  Or kicking it in.  Just fair warning! :-)  Or for all those Wardens looking to keep Outsider influence at bay.  That won't be awkward at all.

If you do take the Bloodline Trait, I'd suggest lots of ways to avoid being Exposed.  If you have an Allegiance, too, and have to take a Trait that may be considered nefarious in order to access the skills, I see a quest in your future.   

Taking the Bloodline Trait associated with your Descent can lead to some AWESOME rp.  I don't want to dissuade you, just prepare you for some possibilities.  It could lead to plot - a Faerie needs some help but will only trust other Faeries, and Undead that will converse with you and only you because you have the Undead Trait - or it could lead to plot and pc's hunting you.  Still fun (for me, anyway)Remember, Exposes directed toward your Trait WILL Expose you for what you are ("By My Voice, Expose Faerie), but there ARE some abilities that will help protect you from this. 

In the end, remember, there are lots of races/cultures for you to choose from.  While The Descended are new and shiny, make sure you weigh both the benefits and the cons of playing one, especially if you decide to take the Bloodline Trait associated.  If you decide it is not for you, there are still lots of races/cultures for you to choose from, that have rich, in-depth packages from you to draw from.  

What do you think? Do you plan to play a Descended, will you take the Trait? How do you plan to costume it?


  1. Honestly I'm super excited about playing a Descended. In particular I will be playing a red Drake. My costume will be a red long sleeve shirt that's a little tight to conform to my body. I am getting red scale gauntlets that'll go to my elbows that will look like my hands/forearms took the look of the dragons and then obviously some awesome make-up that I'm still looking for designs on.

    I will be taking the Bloodline Trait, I've already been pursuing Dragon type plot and have managed to already be sensed as Dragon magic, and in the event that that doesn't carry over, I'm taking the trait to keep it and because of the background of how I came to be a Descended.


  2. Being from the lands I am from, it would make sense if several of us took Descended - Undead, but the draw backs for that one in particular are severe with IG atmosphere.

    The fact you can't disguise your form and add in undead hunters might dip into Hunter header for abilities along with Expose undead, your job just got 10x header. Even if you could disguise your features. A couple of hunters doing expose undead at end of a fight means your finished.

    The Pros of being able to be healed by a necro, and a resist elemental far outweigh the cons.

    I would have went 1/2 skeletal face if I chose this.

    1. Wow I should really re-read what I type befoe I post lol.

      Being able to be healed by a necro, and a resist elemental DOES NOT outweigh the cons.

  3. I could see one of my characters being a Descended Undead - but I wouldn't take the Trait. My guess is it won't be illegal unless you have the Trait?

  4. I have two characters that will likely have the descended race my main will be Descended Faerie and will have the bloodline as well..I expect Ironhearts will want to kick my face in but I knew what I was signing up for

    my other character well..yeah...

  5. I think I would play an Undead Descended with the Bloodline Trait Undead, but I would fully expect to not generally participate with things in the middle of town, lol. Probably hide and skulk around, lol.

    If I did an Outsider Descended, I would totally avoid PC's like Irwin Wade and Yona. Faeries, Ironheart to the face.

    Draconic - I'm sure there will be dragon hunters with all the influx of dragon-y stuff. And there will probably be stuff, I would imagine, that is focused on the opposite type dragons (like if you are a blue draconic, red draconic/dragons would probably try to eat you:-)

    I think that I'll stick with Barbarian/Highlander, Trun, and Gypsy for the moment, but I def have an interest in playing one in the future. I would probably do the Undead or Faerie, because of the heavy rp involved in pulling it off? (what I have in mind personally would make pulling it off harder, and I like a good challenge).

