Monday, March 4, 2013

Header Spotlight: Hexer

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Hexer Header. 

Hexer is one of the Magic Headers, focused on delivering negative effects to your enemies. Additionally, they have the Empathic Healing skill that allows them to remove negative effects from others. Almost all effects from the Hexer use the Mental Trait "Gloom." The Capstone abilities grant the Hexer a renewable Shield Gloom (to fight other Hexers), and a particularly powerful Personal curse that can drain Attributes from a named enemy.

There are few people that you'd rather cross than a powerful Hexer, so treat them with respect. Gypsies always have at least one Hex that they've learned from their families, regardless of whether they have the Hexer Header or not. But this does make Gypsy Hexers more common, which is why you should be leery about making enemies with a Gypsy.

Bound High Magic: A Mark Upon You (Hexer Only), Curse of Sight, Familiar, Vampire's Bane

Good Header Combinations: Warrior (Purge Effects with Empathic Healing), Pyromancer (Source of Damage)

Pro: The wonderful list of effects include Slow, Disarm, Weakness, Agony, Frenzy, Stun, Silence, and Stricken. There is no header that is able to produce this number of effects. When combined with a source of damage, this can be an extremely potent class. Using Empathic Medicine with Purge abilities makes for essentially free cures.

Con: The Hexer has almost no defenses, making heavy Hexers a bit more vulnerable than most. Also, since there is no passive that reduces attribute costs, Hexer will need help from other Headers to sustain Attributes throughout the day.

Would you play a Hexer?  What is your favorite Hexer Ability?  Let us know in the comments!

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