Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Header Spotlight: Warden

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Warden. 

For those of you familiar with the Nature Magic Playtests, the Warden serves as the part of nature that's focused on hunting Elementals.  However, it's broadened a little bit in WAR Accelerant, to cover hunting anything from another plane (Elementals/Fae), as well as being incredibly effective against any Elemental Trait.

Much like the Shield Bearer, the Warden is somewhat expected to fight with a Shield.  They get access to the ability to cast with a shield in your hand, and also gain the ability to stop Elemental attacks on the cheap.  Even when fighting against people from Ghaia, you'll find that an Elementalist is probably the most likely to survive assault from an Elementalist, such as a Pyromancer, Cryomancer, or Storm Mage.

The Warden also gets access to the "It Ends Here" ability, that can prevent certain outsiders from going to Spirit (other than Dead Spirit).  While it's got an interesting call, it won't do anything to a normal person, and a monster must have a card that states how they'll react to the Anchor call.

Bound High Magic: Create Haven, Exile, Haven's Gift of Planar Protection, To the Marches and Beyond, Visions of Ghaia

Good Header Combinations: Shield Bearer (If you're going to rock the shield, you might as well be great at it), Pyromancer (Source of damage when not dealing with Outsiders)

Pro: Warden is one of those niche Headers, where you're obscenely good against Outsiders.  If you find yourself in a situation in which Outsiders are a big part, you'll be extremely effective. 

Con: On the flip side, if you're not dealing with Outsiders, you're going to run into some issues, as many of your abilities are designed to only affect Outsiders    

Would you play a Warden?  What Header would you pair up with Warden?  Let us know in the comments!

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