Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Header Spotlight: Spellsword

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Spellsword Header. 

Spellsword is the Support Header that allows people to mix and match martial and magic abilities.  Normally spells require you to have both hands free, but the Spellsword allows casters to cast spells while holding a sword or shield in their other hand.  On top of that, this header allows people to even channel their spells through their weapons (for an attribute cost).  

This is probably one of the most mechanically complex header of all of them, because it's so different than other games.  Since you cannot cast with anything in your hands, being able to hold a shield or weapon while casting is a huge boon.  And while you can channel spells, they still have to hit a legal target, and count as a melee strike (in regard to defenses).  Still, it's a pretty sick class.

Finally, if you're in a jam, you can always bust out Tempest Stance, and not hold back on channeling those spells!

Good Header Combinations: Hexer (Channel spell effects and do damage with weapons), Shield Bearer (Deal damage with spells while using martial skills to defend)

Pro: Anyone who wants to cast spells on the front line is probably going to want to pick this up.  

Con: A lot of people took casting with a weapon or shield in the other hand for granted.  However, if you can manage not casting spells in combat (or using a staff), you can save your hard earned CP for something else.

What do you think is the best Magic and Martial Header to go with the Spellsword?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. I think dumping 5CP into the header and one skill is totally worth it for anyone who has a weapon at all.

    I'm probably going the Beast Master/Blade Dancer route and use claws. Can I cast with claws? If not the money I save on the claw skill from being a Khala equal the 5CP for Spellsword anyway.

    1. I meant CP, not money. What I was thinking, I do not know.

  2. IF you don't care about your race AND
    IF you don't care about channeling the spells

    THEN you can always go human and pick up the racial Dabbler to snag Battle Casting and save 3 CP (from skipping header)

  3. Yeah, I'm expecting a lot of "Dabbler: Battle Casting" on people's sheets.

  4. Here's the thing. Tempest stance is the open up the can of you know what Battle magics. It only gets better with every magic header that you pick up, creating a situation in which you become the warrior on the front line, even if you were just a simple chucker. Thia IS the header I have been waiting for my entire larping life!
