Thursday, March 28, 2013

Header Spotlight: Necromancer

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Necromancer. 

The Necromancer is a vile creature that works in death, and trades the lives of others to further their own power.  They work closely with the creatures of Undeath, as they themselves have used their magic to extend their life.

Disease is the primary way that the Necromancer does damage to others.  Cause Pain is the go-to damage spell, giving 2 uses of 2 Damage by Disease.  Their other attacks include Stench (Repel by Disease), Pox (Stricken and Slow by Disease), and End Life (Death by Disease).

But on top of that, the Necromancer has many defensive abilities.  They can use Bone Shield to get a Shield Physical, use Grave Healing to Heal Undead, or use Pass the Infection to Purge any basic Trait.  Finally, they can even use Raise Dead to Cure Death (Note - the person affected is not Undead.)  Pretty cool stuff.

However, things get particularly weird with some of the utility/specialized skills for the Necromancer.  First off, they can give themselves the Undead Trait with the Between Life and Undeath skill, which they can use to power other Abilities as well as heal themselves with Grave Healing.  They can use the Mask ability to prevent detection as an Undead or Necromancer.  They can wear an additional flesh rune with Another's Flesh, and prevent their own Death with Another's Life.  Finally, they are the only Header that can actually get Attributes back from a passive skill (Harvest Spirit.)

Seems overpowered, right?  Well, this Header was designed to be illegal.  It's pretty illicit, with many effects going off of killing blowing others, use of the disease and despair traits, and giving themselves the undead trait.   It's probably the most versatile header, and that comes at a cost. 

Bound High Magic: Call Forth Spirit, Corrupted Haven (Necro Only), Familiar, Ghaian Revival, Unfinished Business, Vampire's Bane

Good Header Combinations: High Magic (Use Harvest Spirit to charge Attribute Wells or Enchanted Items), Assassin (Makes you even harder to Expose).

Pro: Very versatile, great survivability, decent damage.

Con: Very illegal (in most places), requires a lot of Death Strikes to be particularly effective.

Would you (allegedly) play a Necromancer? How would you (allegedly) keep the law from finding out?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. If you roll with your own group necro is amazing. If you like to do town mods and group with random people your time is probably short for this life.

    I think it's almost mandatory to pick up a header (scalawag/assassin)that has Unassuming (resist expose). Even then if PCs get wind you 'may' be a necro you are in trouble. Undead hunter was by far the most prevalent transform/allegiance in old system and I fully expect them to have an expose ability. A group of undead hunters will be able to get together and expose you by burning through all your resists (even more easy after a big fight).

    My advice is to find a group to play with as a necro before you create one or you are probably going to have a bad time.

  2. I have a character that I'm transferring in from another system who was a necromancer before (because it was legal in that chapter), but I'm debating about giving her the necromancer header. Not because it's illegal, but because the hexer header fills a niche I think sounds more like my character (and I really want high magic too).
