Thursday, March 14, 2013

Header Spotlight - Berserker

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the 
--> Berserker Header.

NOTE: My husband, Bill, has done all of these Spotlights, but he's in Vegas.  Supposedly at a trade show.  Despite my fear, I've sucked it up and done it a bit last minute.

The Berserker is a warrior who is designed to just keep going and going.  Picture the Energizer Bunny of the fighting world meets Conan the Barbarian.  This Header means you can disregard certain effects, but then you rage out on everyone around you.  The Berserker is also designed to help you get up on a foe and do some serious damage output.  

Due to this, the Berserker probably has limited group versatility in a lot of instances.  However, if you a solo-mod type person this might be for you or if your friends don't mind staying the hell away from you during fights.  Or if you like Frenzy-ing and beating the crap out of enemies and friends alike.

Berserker doesn't just have great abilities, it also has a fairly significant negative - the primary one being that a number of the skills revolve around a Frenzy to the Berserker to use.  That's okay, though, cause who doesn't love a good Frenzy?  

Reckless Swing allows you to deliver a hefty 5 damage for low attribute cost, but it's main drawback is that your weapon takes a Destroy effect after.  Luckily, one of Berserker's Passive Ability, Improvise, allows you to keep on keepin' on with your weapon after it is Destroyed, though it is Reduced.   

-->The Berserker Header also has skills to help you keep going in a fight - Vitality, Resist Agony, Resist Maim, Resist Mental - even a Healing ability to self (though it comes with a Frenzy attached) or a Heal after you manage to Death Strike someone.  Oh, ya, cause you KNOW you glory in the kill.   The crowning moment for a Berserker though is Battle Rages On, where you get remove all non-Inflict negative effects, Heal 10, and Frenzy.  RAGE ON BROTHER!

Good Header Combinations: Warrior (gives it more sustainability) and Brute gives it some tricks (Thanks for the suggestions, Tim Holt)

Pro: Great Header to keep you going in a fight, plus some good damage for low cost.  Excellent when you find yourself out on your own.

Con: You may kill your friends when you Frenzy or your weapon might end up Destroyed.  But is Frenzy REALLY a con here?

Would you play a Berserker?  What fighting styles would you use in your optimal fighting team?  Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. An interesting thing can happen with the berserker if they happen to kill everything on a solo mod. The next person that they run into on the way back to town might have a very bad time...
