Friday, March 8, 2013

Keeping Track of Attributes

Under The Shattered Realm/WAR Accelerant system one of the new things that will have to be tracked are Attributes and Daily skills.  While my guess is many people will rely on battle boards to list out what skills require what Attribute and what can be reused with Fate, what about actually tracking Attributes?  It's much simpler not tracking over 60 different spells, but even if you don't purchase up your starting Attributes of 3 Fire, 3 Water, 3 Earth, 3 Air, and 3 Spirit it still behooves you to figure out a tracking method.

Remember, you can use your Spirit to Refresh your basic Attribute pools.  There are also a number of game abilities that allow you to gain Attributes back.

So how do you keep track of them?
Here are some suggestions that I have heard from other players or I randomly brainstormed.
  • Bracelets w/ Beads: A great idea by Beth, this a simple fix.  One bracelet for each, associated with colors you will recognize (green for Earth, etc.).  Have a string bracelet with a slightly larger knot right in the middle.  As you use on of your Attributes, just slide it on over to the other side.  Fast and easy.
    • Pro: very easy to use, especially if you use different size beads
    • Negative: middle dividing knot may not hold up from game to game 
Here are some fairly jury-ripped reps (NOT what I would use). The little bead is on the side that would be considered "spent."   The one that dangles would be used to hang on my belt and the ones beneath the knot would be considered spent (I don't personally like bracelets).


  • Laminated Tags: Another idea is to make cool, ingame looking tags.  For earth, maybe it is on green paper with a cool looking printed tree.  One for each Attribute.  Keep on a ring and just move it to a different ring when used.
    • Pro: easy to see in the dark, long lasting
    • Negative: requires multiple rings, or moving a bunch of tags around (at least they look ingame)
  • Battleboard: Have a list and check it off, much like people used to do with spells.  Add a new check mark when you get an Attribute back.
    • Pro: simple and straightforward
    • Negative: requires hauling out a pen and paper every time you want to make a mark.  
  • Small Pipe Thing: I was toying with the idea of taking a small round wooden stick (think really large dowel rod), about six inches long, that I can hang from my belt.  It would be painted to look ingame.  Drill small holes down the middle to the bottom - one for each Attribute.  Then use pipe cleaners for each attribute, like these.  Obviously, I don't need that many and I would use better colors.  Idea is cut them in half, and twist one end through the hole and wrap it around the pipe.  Unwrap it when that Attribute it used.  Long explanation for a simple concept.
    • Pro: easy to do, easy to track
    • Negative: will probably have to replace the pipe cleaners occasionally and you'll want to make sure they look ingame (no neon colors).
 Whatever you decide to do, it is always advisable to keep track of them in some way and do so as soon as you can after exhausting an Attribute.  This will help prevent overcasting and the such.

I'd LOVE to hear some ideas for tracking Attributes.  What do YOU intend to do/use?


  1. My take on the bracelet version is to have a small bracelet for each attribute. Bracelets on my left arm are available attributes, Bracelets on my right arm are spent.

    After combat or during rest, I'd just move bracelets to the appropriate arm. As a merchant, I can probably wear a ton of bracelets without looking out of place, and it also advertises how tapped I am if someone learned my system. But I don't plan on using it that long (only until I've got a handle on tracking attributes.)

  2. I was thinking about some sort of tumbler system. Take a 4 digit lock and set your 4 main attributes to starting position. As you use them or gain them back adjust them properly.

    You would need to paint or etch something to signify which element is which. Might want to even cut off top of lock idk. Perhaps there are even better tumbler style things out there, but a lock was first one that came to my mind.

    I think spirit and fate will be easier to track and not need a system.

  3. When you said that, my mind immediately went back to the days when I was a baseball umpire. Unfortunately, most of the dials don't go high enough.

  4. The images aren't displaying properly under your description of the bead system, but what you describe is a system similar to what was suggested to me a number of times. If you google "ranger beads" you will find lots of descriptions of a bead and cord based tracking system.

    I found that it was relatively simple to keep track of things in my head until my attributes started getting over four. For the longest time I had only two attributes that I spent any points in raising and I made a simple bead and cord system to keep track of those. It worked fairly well when I would remember to use it. When Madrigal swapped over to using the Focus system for attributes it became much less necessary and I eventually stopped using it.


  5. Hey George,

    Ya, I know, something went weird with it. But they didn't look that great anyway. In fact, what you mention about ranger beads is EXACTLY what we had in mind.

    Here's a link for those of you interested.

  6. I was thinking something like a rosary. Shift the beads around after I get some out-of-combat time.

  7. If you're using the Ranger beads, how do you keep them from sliding around during the helper-skelter of combat?

    I've used those in real-world ruck marching (just got out of the Army). The beads are only reliable until the pace kicks up beyond a swift walk. Then gravity starts to pull them all down.
