Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Header Spotlight: Bard

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Bard Header. 

Bard is a support header intended to allow people who love to sing and tell stories to use those talents for in-game benefit. Bards have the ability to sing their spells to either affect more people or to string a spell along, as long as they sing. It can be really powerful, but it's also fairly easy to interrupt in combat, so if you've got a Bard on your team, keeping them safe is probably going to be job number one.

Some people may have noticed that there's no rule regarding how long songs must be before effects. We put this Header in game with the hopes of improving the atmosphere and getting people to come out of their shell to sing. We really want people to sing songs of appropriate length for effects, but understand there will be times when you may want to sing faster due to some action on the field. Ideally, verses for continuous song would be about 20-30 seconds long, with full songs being about a minute or so. But it's not a hard and fast rule, so don't think that because your song is a few seconds under this limit that we'll kick you out. If it sounds awesome an immerses players, we love it.

Finally, the Bard has a very special capstone skill, where they can give a performance or tell a story, and all who listen will get a fairly large attribute refresh.  If you can beat the stage fright, everyone will want to be your friend!

Good Header Combinations: Healer (Lots of Touch Heals and Cures), Enchanter (Lots of Touch Grants)

Pro: If you can pull off the song, the Bard gets more use per attribute than any other class. Their capstone ability can give a big boost to a large group of people, so people will really appreciate your work. Get out and sing!

Con: The Bard is somewhat limited in it's ability to do things quickly. In combat situations that require you to respond quickly (if you're the only healer), you probably won't get a lot of use out of your Bard Header (at that point.)

Would you play a Bard?  What Headers would you combine with it?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. Love! This baby needs to give me time to read the rulebook, but until then, this blog is exceedingly useful.

  2. Thanks Jillian! Bill has done one before, but I never have. Didn't realize how much time it takes. SUPER glad it is helpful and we hope to see you this summer for some fun and devious plot.
