Friday, March 8, 2013

Header Spotlight: Rogue

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Rogue Header. 

The Rogue is a common archetype throughout fantasy, and we would be remiss to leave it out.  In WAR Accelerant, the Rogue is a martial class with a large focus on survival, particularly when it comes to traps.  As one of the generalist classes, it's got some great tools at it's disposal if you go deep enough.  

Like many other games, you can't even try and pick locks or disarm traps without the proper skill.  The Rogue is currently the only header that can!  That means that most adventuring groups are going to want someone to take the rogue header.

However, they've got some great offensive qualities (3 damage from behind and disarm), and have some of the best defensive qualities (stabilize self for 2 fire, and an elude after 5 minutes of rest!).  And a rogue with Backstab mastery and Luck has some great sustain, and can be at least partially effective without blowing any attributes or daily abilities in a fight.

Good Header Combinations: Warrior (Another all-around class with defenses and offensive strikes), Cryomancer (Good control and reduced water cost on Evade), Scalawag (Cheat Death and Hard to Kill are an insane combo)

Pro: If you're going for a Jack-of-All-Trades build, the Rogue is second to none.  You'll be useful in almost any situation, although you're not the best in all situations. 

Con: Without a niche, you may never be the guy who saves the day (well, unless it involves traps or locks).  If you're hoping to specialize, this isn't the best way to do it.  

Does your team have a Rogue in it?  If you were a Rogue, what header would you combo it with?  Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. With a core party of 3, I don't think we have anyone dipping into rogue. Only a total investment of 7 CP to pick lock and disarm trap isn't bad at all.

    Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of nice stuff in there, but not necessarily essential for such a small group.

    If we hit some traps or a lock, we might have to head back to town and share our booty with a hungry rogue.

    I think rogue can play good with anything with their disarm. I think their other header might dictate better who the mesh well with though.
