Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Header Spotlight: Trader

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Trader. 

The Trader is a support header that is designed to supplement characters that revolve around bartering.  While it was designed to give more stuff to players who aren't interested in combat, anyone can get the header and benefit from it!  The amount of CP you sink into this class can be as little or as much as you choose.

The primary skills of the Trader are Appraise and Buyer.  Appraise lets you read the secret cards that indicate high value (and you can choose to reveal them to others or not), and Buyer lets you bring lower level production items into game at a higher cost.  But if you're going to be selling items, it really lets you flesh out your inventory and get some harder to get wands.

They also have the ability to copy recipes (huge for crafters) and can get Merchant Contacts that help you buy said recipes.  Round it all off with the ability  to sell your valuable gems and luxuries for a profit, and there are few that can accumulate as much wealth as the Trader! 

Good Header Combinations: Any Production Header (If you're going to trade, you might as well make some of your own goods), Enchanter (One of the better magic headers for a non-combat player)

Pro: If you're looking to make money and aren't really focused on combat, this Header is going to make your game a lot more enjoyable.  You'll be able to get easy access to merchant-type plot, and you'll be the guy to go to when someone needs something... special. 

Con: No matter how you try and spin it, this Header isn't really going to help you in combat... at all.  Sure, you can get the Buyer skill a number of times to get some goods, but it's not really cost or CP efficient.   

Would you play a Trader?  What Headers would you take if you didn't want to do combat?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm actually planning to give a character this header! She's also an assassin, which my not be the most effective combo, but it fits the character.

  2. Yay! Super effective actually Clara! What a great idea. A great front for people coming to actually get contracts and possibly a means to pursue underground trading as the assassin-y type.

    Fun times!

  3. I think it works well with Assassin, because you may have some spare money, and even as an Alchemist, there's only so much poison that you can make. With Buyer, you can be sure to have a healthy stock of Level 1 and 2 poisons!

  4. I'm looking to take Trader/Sentinel/Infusion for my ship captain. Then build him into bard and enchanter later. The plan is to yell at people until they do better. I'm not sure I'll even take a weapon skill beyond the free small weapon.
