Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Header Spotlight: Brute

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today, we'll be covering the Brute Header. 

The Brute is a devastating warrior who wields a mighty two-handed weapon.  We understand that two-handed weapons are often not the most effective weapons in LARPs, due to realism constraints (you can't overpower shields or weapons).  So instead, we designed it to have some serious tools.

I will say, we designed the fighting system to feel like a paper-rock-scissors.  The Brute has certain tools that makes them especially good at beating Shield Bearers (Sword and Board).  Sunder is pretty devastating against Shields, and once you land that sunder, the Great Cleave skill is going to punch through.  However, Blade Dancers (Two Weapon Fighters) can neutralize Brutes with Disarm.  So there's that.

Great Cleave is great damage, and Aggressive Stance allows you to pull off an amazing Smash stance, which gives the Brute amazing field control.  If you see a Brute in the field, you should take care.  And if other fighters get in on you, you can always use Frightful Presence to Disengage.

Good Header Combinations: Spellsword (Easy to free up a hand), Hexer (Great Status effects to complement Brute Damage)

Pro: It's got amazing damage, and Sunder is going to help you break shield walls with little effort.  Great addition to the team. 

Con: Blade Dancers might be a problem, and you're extremely vulnerable to disarms.  And once fighters get on you.    

Would you play a Brute?  What fighting styles would you use in your optimal fighting team?  Let us know in the comments!

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