Thursday, March 28, 2013

Header Spotlight: Acrobat

The Header Spotlight segment is a way to deliver some information about the specific Headers and to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Today (for the second time), we'll be covering the Acrobat. 

The Acrobat is one of the quintessential roguish archetypes, focusing on their ability to (literally) escape tight places.  Something like this can often be hard to reproduce in a Larp setting, where WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).  

For that reason, we focused on two key things with the class - resistance to movement imparing abilities, and battlefield awareness.

When it comes to dealing with movement-restricting abilities, there is no Header that has as many defenses as the Acrobat.  Quick Feet and Quick Escape allow the Acrobat to Resist Root and Purge Paralyze (respectively).  Contortionist and Escape Artist take a little more time, but give the Acrobat the ability to Purge Maim, Root, Paralyze, and Shackles without any attribute cost.  And the Always on the Move skill makes them immune to Slow.

As far as defensive skills, the Acrobat has access to Agile (more armor) and Reflexes (Avoid missile or packet attacks), which are both pretty solid.

On the other hand, the Acrobat has access to a Disengage (Cunning Defense), a short Maim (Joint Pressure), both of which can help manage a chaotic battlefield.

Finally, the Acrobat has one Unique skill that no class can match.  The Keen Senses skill allows them to call "Resist Ambient" against any effect caused by a movement-related misstep.  This can be a little confusing, but let's put it another way.  If you're on the jumping stones mod, and the floor is lava, you may normally take some damage or a death effect by stepping in the laval.  The Acrobat, on the other hand, can do some crazy moves based on the fact that they can resist those effects.  Heck, they could even run across the lava, if they had enough Air attributes!  

Good Header Combinations: Hexer (Good Use of Purges), Guardian (Good use of purges), Warrior (more purges and good basic damage).

Pro: Extremely powerful in situations with a lot of movement-impairing effects.

Con: Acrobat only helps keep you in the fight.  It doesn't actually improve your fighting, and you'll need to get damage or support from another header.

What is your favorite Acrobat skill? Can you see yourself playing one?  Let us know in the comments!

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